duminică, 1 decembrie 2019


Today I will present a poster of the movie "GODZILLA" which has as main actors Momoko Kochi, Akira Takarada, Akihiko Hirata, dir.Ishiro Honda Toho. The poster is 46x67 cm in size and was printed when the film was first run in Romania, in 1956. Due to easier storage the poster was folded in four.

Other Romanian movie posters you can see at the address:

Astazi va voi prezenta un afis al filmului "GODZILLA" care ii are ca actori principali pe Momoko KochiAkira TakaradaAkihiko Hirata, dir.Ishiro Honda Toho. Afisul are dimensiunea 46x67 cm si a fost tiparit cand filmul a fost rulat pentru prima data in Romania in 1956. Din motivul unei depozitari mai usoare afisul a fost impaturit in patru.

Alte afise romanesti de film puteti vedea la adresa:

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